Staff Spotlight: Rilia

Rilia starting working at the clinic on July 7, 2007. She currently does the weights, heights, and vital signs for all of the patients coming through the clinic. She has lived in Cazale all of her life. She is 51 years old, is married, and has 3 boys. Her father

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Staff Spotlight: Yolette

Yolette has been a nurse and a seamstress for many years. She has worked in numerous clinics and hospitals. During the first couple years of the cholera outbreak, she worked with Samaritan’s Purse at one of their cholera centers. She has cared for hundreds of cholera patients and counts it

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Wounds are healed!

C.T is a 5 month old baby who came to clinic with his mom for an abscess on his neck. We do not know what led to the development of this abscess. But as you can see from the picture below, it was causing quite a bit of discomfort. The

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Staff Spotlight: Jn Louis

Jn Louis started working in the CTC in January 2016 as a gate security guard and all-around helper at the CTC.  He is 32 years old and is married.  They have five children from ages 8 to two years, 4 girls and 1 boy.  Three of the kids are in

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