Schools in Cazale

Many of the school in Cazale are held in local churches. Some are in the actual sanctuary of the church and some in rooms added onto the church. There are a few that are build separate from the churches. Most of the classroom are overcrowded and many many students. But

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Clinic Review – July 2021

Total patients = 16900-14 yrs = 758prenatal = 184other adults = 932 births = 18 (one set of twins)anemia = 67diabetics = 59fungal infections = 93ear infections = 37cough & cold = 411heartburn = 106emergencies = 50dressing changes = 504% of children malnourished = 45% (3% increase from June)# of

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Haitian Proverb & History

Bay kou bliye pote mak sonje The one who hits will forget but the one who was hurt will remember. There is a plaque here in Cazale, a short way from the clinic, that displays this proverb for all to see and remember as they walk by. This proverb means

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Staff Spotlight Desimise

Desimise has been working at RHFH since 2010. She started out in the cholera treatment center taking care of children that were recovering from cholera before returning for treatment at the Rescue Center. Once she was not needed there she moved into a job working in the Rescue Center with

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Throwback Thursday-Deny

Deny was brought the the clinic in 2004 by his mama. He was very sick and at that time we wanted him to go get some testing done before we agreed to admit him for inpatient care. They had traveled a long way to get to the clinic. It was

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Help needed for Andre for burial cost

Update: Need met! Thank you!! *This post was prepared before the unfortunate death of our friend Andre. See below how you can help with the cost of his burial. My name is Andre, but everyone calls me January. I used in work in the fields planting and harvesting crops, but

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