Health Education at RHFH

For many of you who may not know who I am, my name is Katrina and I am a Canadian nurse who moved down to Haiti 3.5 months ago to work with RHFH as their Director of Health Education and Pharmacy Coordinator. Taking on the role of building up the

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Words from Gretchen June 1995

Soon we’ll be back in Indiana for a month from June 16 to July 18th. We are very excited about seeing and sharing with family and friends. In some ways the last year and a half has went very fast, but it seems longer since we have seen a lot

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Micah 7:7

But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.

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Needs for July 2021

To shop and send through Amazon:Haiti wishlist – warehouse wishlist – Printable PDF version:  2021-07 Needs List

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