surgery for 3 children

THANK YOU THIS NEED HAS BEEN MET!!!!!! These three cuties have been waiting for surgery for well over a year now. We normally send these children to Smile train or Operation Smile but they have not been coming into Haiti for awhile now due to the level 4 travel ban.

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Words From Gretchen

Fall 2004 Dear Friends and Partners in Haiti mission, Praise God! We know you haven’t heard from us in awhile. It’s hard to write when you have a two-edged sword in BOTH hands! We have sure been battling, both in the spirit and against adverse conditions here. We had no

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Clinic Review: July 2020

At the beginning of COVID-19 here in Haiti, we started giving some of our regular monthly patients medications to last three months to avoid exposing them to COVID-19 and in case our patient load significantly increased with COVID-19 patients. Though we have seen some positive cases and deaths, the patient

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Staff Spotlight – Dieudonne

Dieudonne is a 54 year old woman that was born in a village called Robino, about a 3 hour walk from the clinic here in Cazale.  She has 4 sisters who live in different areas of Haiti.  Her only brother died many years ago with a bad fever.  Her first

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