Staff Spotlight~Deusson

Deusson lives in the village of Ropissa with his parents. He is the youngest of 9 children. They live in a 5 room home made of cinder blocks and cement, covered with a tin roof. They have an outdoor kitchen (common here) and a good source of water near their

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Throw back Thursday~Airplane drop 2008

In 2008, we had a major flood here in Cazale. It washed out the road in 2 places coming into our village and made it difficult to get supplies into the area. There were many that came to help our area and one of those was MAF. They were able

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Kreyol song – “Lè Lavi Mwen Va Fini”

KREYOL VERSION: 55 Reveillons-Nous | 55 RNC / Page 34802  Melodies Joyeuses | 02 MJC / Page 22 1 Lè a vi mwen va finiE mwen janbe rivyè a,Lè mwen wè briyeyon maten gloryeM ava konnen Redanmtè mwenLè m a rive nan syèl laE souri Li va pou mwen yon

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Guest Post – Volunteer Kat

The following is from Kat and the crew from Calvary Church in New Prague, MN (women’s Bible study, Mission 55 and the youth group). THANK YOU! What does “Saturday” mean to you? Freedom? Friends? Catch up day? Sports? If I were a betting woman, I would put money down that

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