Staff Spotlight-Elicia

Elicia is 39 years old and has been working at RHFH since 2010. She lived up in the mountains behind Cazale most of her life. She moved down to Cazale so that her children could go to school. The father of the kids left her and she found herself walking

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Improving Diagnostics

Various laboratory tests are helpful and often necessary for the diagnosis and management of many diseases and infections. Real Hope for Haiti was blessed a couple of years ago with a lab. Slowly, we have expanded the equipment in the lab and tests that we are able to perform. Lab

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God is still moving, even if the traffic is not…

When tensions rise here in Haiti, people often react by blocking roads with burning tires and barricades. That has been happening for several weeks now. It is increasingly a challenge to secure the medications and supplies we need to support our programs; however, our hearts are grateful to report thus

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Bible Study Update

We exist to offer hope in this life and the life to come, and there is no greater hope than the hope of the gospel! We desire to share that hope through every aspect of our ministry. One of the ways we do this is by having devotion times with

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