New Admits to the Rescue Center

Wideneline was brought to the clinic by her mother.  Her weight for height is 2 standard deviations below the average for Haitian children. She has been coming in the clinic on and off for about 1 year.  Two weeks before she was admitted she began showing signs of kwashiorkor.  She was

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Words from Gretchen

Praise God! We don’t know hot it can get better than this. God is filling our hearts with such a peace and joy. It is such a blessing to be a blessing. This is the way God intends for His people to be. Someone blesses someone else, then that someone

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Many of the farmer are using the irrigation ditches from the local river to water their crops. In our village they are planting beans, bananas, spinach, eggplant and peppers.

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Clinic Review – Feb 2021

total patients = 17760-14 yrs = 904prenatal = 127adults = 852 emergencies = 52wound care = 421sutures = 15injections = 510IVs = 2 PRENATAL VISITS 1st visit 2nd visit 3rd visit 4th visit 5 or + visits TOTAL 1st trimester 13 3 0 0 0 16 2nd trimester 27 16

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Staff Spotlight – Madelene

Madelene has worked with RHFH since Jan 16, 2016. She started at the cholera center and later moved to the ER/wound care & nutrition center, where she currently works. Both of her parents are still living and they are farmers. She has 3 brothers who live in other countries and

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Jonel-Throwback Thursday

Jonel first came to RHFH in Oct of 2016. He was very sick and needed to be admitted for inpatient care. He was 15 years old and weighed 38 pounds at that time. He was enrolled in our outpatient mamba program but instead of gaining weight, he was losing weight

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