Staff Spotlight-Anite

WORK HISTORY Anite has been working at RHFH since June 2012. She was in a community development group here in Cazale. There was a lady working with her one day that was the head of the Rescue Center. She asked her to think of her when we had a opening

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Can you help this breast cancer patient?

***This need is met! THANK YOU!!*** Until recently, cancer was a death sentence here in Haiti. Attempts at treatment were sketchy and rare. There is an organization bringing oncology care and treatment to Haiti. Their team is committed to kicking cancer to the curb and they are doing a mighty

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Kreyol verse – Matthew 6:33, Matye ch6 v33

  Matye ch6 v33 – Pito nou chache bay bagay peyi Wa ki nan syèl la premye plas nan lavi nou, chache viv jan Bondye vle l’ la anvan. Lè sa a, Bondye va ban nou tout lòt bagay sa yo tou. Matthew 6:33 – But seek first the kingdom

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