
Asthma. It’s a not so uncommon disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 1 out of every 13 people in the United States have asthma, which is about 8.3% of the U.S. population., or 26 million people (2017 data). 1.1 people out of every 100,000 people died from asthma

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January Volunteers

What a blessing it has been to have several hard working visitors here to help us start the year strong! A huge thank you to Ralph, Sharel, Cheryl, and Gideon for your work and your love for the Haitian people! Holly and Tena, we are always grateful for the supplies

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Villager’s View

This is Mrs S. She is a local midwife in the village of Fond Blanc. This is about a 45 minute walk from Cazale. Mrs S. is 84 years old. She has been delivering babies since she was young. She learned this skill from her mother. Each time she delivers

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Words from Gretchen

  Our mom, Gretchen, wrote down little saying she liked.  She cut them out of the paper and magazines.  She saved them from church bulletins.  This was found written  on the back page of her Bible. If you love the Lord-you will long for his return. The best was of

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