Follow up from Irma

Real Hope for Haiti was spared any major damage from hurricane Irma. We did have a few scary moments after the flooding began and we had no way of knowing how much flooding we would get. The water was going over the bridge and out of the banks into the

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No More Idols

Two of my friends frequently put hashtags up on social media that catch my attention. Yes, there is too much noise on social media these days, but I am truly grateful for these reminders. A friend from college, Rodney Bond, persistently reminds me to #PutGodFirst. Another friend from seminary, Brett

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Pray for a miracle

I saw a 32 year old woman in clinic yesterday, J.B. She gave a rather wandering history that started with a mass in her right breast that she noticed in January of 2016. She presented to our clinic in April 2016 and was referred to a hospital for biopsy and

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New Admits

  Fakensley is 14 months old. He lives with both of his parents and one sibling in a one-room house made of block and tin. They have a small outhouse. They buy their water and store it in buckets. Their diet consists mostly of rice and legume (cooked vegetable mush).

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Thorns in our flesh do more than just irritate us.

Paul is an all out, no limits, hardcore follower of Jesus. I want to be like Paul. If I could get the fire to fall down from heaven like Paul, perform signs and wonders in Christ’s name, boldly proclaim the gospel, then everything will work out silky smooth. Then I

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