Discovering life and love in Haiti

My name is Audrey. I am the newest intern at Real Hope for Haiti. When my husband and I first felt the call to become full time missionaries, I had no idea what life in Haiti would be like. I had never even stepped foot in the country. We had

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Smiles from the ICU & RC

Use your smile to change the world. Don’t let the world change your smile. There are hundreds of languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all. Smile and remember at the end of the day, your blessings outweigh your problems. Be the reason someone smiled today. You’re never

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Rose Darline

Rose Darline is an 18 month old baby girl who was admitted to the malnutrition center at RHFH on May 31st. She was enrolled in the outpatient malnutrition program in November of 2016- but she was not brought to her follow up appointment. She was enrolled in the outpatient program

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Will You Step It Up To Light It Up?

Dare we say it? The end of summer is coming fast!  We want to encourage you to take advantage of these last days of summer by getting out and having fun while raising funds for Haiti.  You can help solve two current problems faced by RHFH staff in Haiti while

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