Your help is needed to SHIP SUPPLIES to Haiti

Through out the year, we gather, sort and pack supplies donated for the RHFH mission.  In the fall, we pack all of these supplies on pallets to load on a 40 foot long semi container. These humanitarian items (food, peanut butter, clothes, shoes, baby formula, infant furniture, work tools, Bibles,

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Staff Spotlight~Joceline

Joceline began working for RHFH in June of 2008.  She started working at the Rescue Center with the small babies.  She moved down to the ICU area about 3 years ago and has done a fabulous job working with those that are really sick.  Her true love in her work

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Throw Back Thursday~Monise

This is Monise.  She was in our inpatient care facility in 2008/2009 for 5 months.  She was severely malnourished and had damage to her left eye due to Vitamin A deficiency. When she was admitted she weighed 20 pounds.  When she returned home she was 26 pounds (see photo below).

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Bible Study Update

There were 3 Bible study classes that graduated this week.  They were all 6 weeks long.  One class was “Good News About Jesus” and there were 2 classes on “God Loves You So Much.” Here is some feedback from those that participated: This is what I think about the group.

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