Hope For The Future

Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.     ~Proverbs 19:21 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future

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The Gospel in Haiti

  Growing up in Haiti as a child, I heard my fair share of visitors from the United States shuffle off a plane and on to a platform and preach their hearts out about the good news of Jesus Christ. There is a limitation here, same as if you attended

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GIFT A GOAT to a Haitian family

Have you ever wanted to help Haitians in a sustainable way?  Have you thought that increasing food security for the poor includes increasing the available livestock in the area?  Do you think goats can be helpful to Haitian families? If you answered YES to any of these, then continue reading!

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Kids from the ICU

  Kenlove was admitted last week with mild kwashiorkor and complications.  He is from a village far back in the mountains behind Cazale. Besides being malnourished he is also deaf.Carla was abandoned by her mama at her papa’s house a few months ago.  She has severe kwashiorkor and is refusing

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Kreyol Song: Amou Bondye (The Love Of God)

  Amou Bondye pi gran pase Tou sa lang moun ak zanj di L ale pi lwen pase zetwal Li jwenn moun ki te fin pedi Pitit Bondye chache moun ki Nan la penn ak peche Si yo rekonet peche yo Li pret pou padonen Ke: Amou Bondye se rich

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