Words from Gretchen

Casey, Dr. Briana, Grace, Isaiah, and Gretchen embark on an adventure and a calling today.  Following God’s leading, they are moving to Haiti to become full-time missionaries here at RHFH.  I thought I would go back through mom’s letters to see if there was anything that she had written about

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Be joyful always. ~1 Thessalonians 5:16

O clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph.   ~Psalm 47:1 Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.   ~Romans 15:13 And ye

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New Admits to the Rescue Center

OGERSON He is 2 1/2 years old and weighs 21 pounds.  His mama has 9 other children and his papa left the family a little over a year ago.  His older sister, who lives on her own now, has been the one bringing him to the clinic.  The family lives

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Staff Spotlight: Gilbert

Gilbert started working with RHFH on October 19, 2004.  In the 11 years that we’ve worked together, he has done several different jobs:  making patient charts, working in the clinic office, translating, doing directly observed therapy (DOT) for TB & HIV patients, teaching adult literacy, and supervising 6 cholera community

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Volunteer Thoughts From Jody

Disclaimer: I am the volunteer coordinator. These are my feelings and thoughts and not those of RHFH individually or corporately. Many people question the value of traveling to volunteer in places like Haiti. These are valid discussions about the best use of resources. Such as, is it better to send

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Clinic Review – Sept 2015

total consults – 3000 new patients – 614 return patients – 2386 prenatal visits – 224 babies born – 57 under 5 pounds – 5 over 5 pounds – 52 total children (birth to 5 yrs) evaluated – 907 total undernourished – 53% total moderate malnutrition – 24% total severe

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