Will you commit to praying for us in 2015?

As you start off the new year, you might be trying to implement some resolutions and good habits.  We would like to ask you to consider adding something simple (but powerful) to your daily routine.  Will you pray for Haiti?  A prayer covering for the work here is critical, essential,

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How Poverty Affects the Way People Think, Feel & Act (and more)

 How poverty affects the way people think, feel and act. A new clinic design in Haiti might signal a shift for the future. Some talented artists emerging in Haiti, producing beautiful art. {video ~5 mins} Haiti’s political crisis contiunes despite accord. Cheap, all terrain wheelchair for people living in rural,

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New admits to the ICU/RC in December

  DIMANIANA She is 1 1/2 months old and weighs 4 pounds 10 ounces.  She was referred to us by Children’s Health Ministries.  She was in such bad shape that the staff traveled late on evening to arrive at the clinic because we did not think she would make it

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A generous anonymous donor has offered to match your donation dollar for dollar until midnight on Dec 31st!  Get the most out of your gift by donating now.  You can give through paypal (click the DONATE NOW button at the top of this page) or mail (write a check to

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