New admits to the Rescue Center

BENITA She is 17 months old and weighs 21 pounds.  She was left at home with another sibling for several days with no parents home.  Everyone was hungry and they were trying to make food on an open fire.  Benita fell backwards into the fire and burnt the back of

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  Wherever there is a human in need, there is an opportunity for kindness and to make a difference.  ~Kevin Heath   Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.  ~ Plato   We rise by lifting others.  ~Robert Ingersoll   Our human compassion binds us the

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Throw Back Thursday-Roseline

This past week one of our staff members said that a patient that we helped years ago wanted to stop by and say hello over the holiday season.  It was a busy day with all the staff in the clinic on vacation and lots of dressing changes.  It was towards

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Urgent need for Clinic patient of the month-Sondy

Sondy has been following in our clinic for a few months.  He was very sick and also showing signs of malnutrition.   The family said they had no money and borrowed money to pay for transportation to come to the clinic and asked us to admit him into our inpatient

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Update on the 2015 Finish Strong Fund

ABC Fundraising® We are grateful for each of you who have given towards the 2015 Finish Strong Fund. We are in the final few days of our push to reach our goal. We have raised approximately 70% of our goal are are believing big for this final week of 2015.

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Staff Spotlight: Ginette

We are happy to highlight Ginette and the work that she does as the RHFH chaplain during this Finish Strong Fund week with the clinic as our focus.  She is an important part of what we do to bring the Gospel to those we serve, helping spiritually and physically.  Her

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