May Clinic Review

Total consults = 2600 New patients = 558 Return patients = 2042 <1 yr = 355 1-5 yrs = 532 5-14 yrs = 316 pregnant women = 253 adults = 1144 Expenses = $6846.19 Education given = 2496 people (on diarrhea) Emergencies = 24 Babies born = 33 Total children

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Marvelous Monday

With one day away from shipping the container holding medicine, birthing kits, and infant formula vital to saving the babies and mothers, we are still a few thousand dollars short of our financial goal. The funds will be used to purchase diapers and protein packed peanut butter Real Hope For

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Sunday-The Father’s Day

A donation from someone who cares about the children in Haiti as much as you do changed the life of a father and his son… A few years back, a farmer walked several hours down the mountains with his dying son searching for a glimmer of hope. He arrived at

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Sacrificial Saturday

A beautiful example of sacrifice: While speaking at East Elementary School in Pendleton, IN this week, a third grader approached me (Lorraine), and with a very serious and committed tone said, “I am going to sell my bike this weekend and buy peanut butter for you with the money I

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