I Love Peanut Butter Because…

I Love Peanut Butter Because… It makes me strong! Helps me feel better so I am strong! Please help fill a pallet of peanut butter today. Our container is scheduled to leave on Tuesday morning, so time is critical. Our goal is for 300 people to donate $10.00. Challenge your

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Fruitful Friday…

Fruitful Friday… We currently have 89 kids in our Rescue Center (inpatient), 85 in our outpatient medika mamba program, 168 in our outpatient food box program, and 60 in our HIV and TB patients program. Peanut Butter is an URGENT need for all 402 of our patients. Peanut butter gives

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Thankful Thursday

Today we are thankful for our wonderful donors and the support Real Hope For Haiti receives each and every day. Since our donors are so graciously giving, we would like to share with you the urgent need for diapers. Diapers are used in our Intensive Care Unit at Real Hope

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Because You Asked…

Because You Asked… Our donors are always so generous and many of you continuously ask how you can help Real Hope For Haiti. In Indiana, we have a container that is approximately 10 pallets short of being a full load. The load contains items, such as medicine and infant formula,

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Staff Spotlight – Eusaine

Eusaine is the women’s health nurse in the clinic.  She does pre- & post-natal consults, babies from birth to 6 months, women’s health screenings, birth control, all the patients on the food boxes, and general consults.  She started working for RHFH in June 2012. She is 35 yrs old.  She

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Pictures from around Cazale

a load of bean being carried home to be cleaned and shelled view from above the valley of Cazale local market     garden of banana trees a big beautiful mango tree crackers, cookies candy for sale pen~bread bega~boiled skin from the cows and pigs fritay~fried plantains, flour balls and chicken

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