Getting Closer….But Not There Yet!

We continue to collect funds needed to pay for shipping a container filled with 1,200 boxes packed full with supplies heading to Real Hope for Haiti this month.  You can see the last update here, where we had received enough to cover the expense of shipping 600 of the boxes.

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Update on Wensky

You can read the first post about Wensky here.  He has come a long way since February.  When he first arrived he was a very sick boy.  Not only was he sick physically but was also going through a lot of emotional and mental issues due to losing his parents and

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Espwa – Hope

Lovelie’s momma came today to visit her baby girl. When she last saw Lovelie, she was convinced her child would die.   She knew that if she went to visit Lovelie only to discover she had died, she wouldn’t have the strength for the long walk back home. She asked

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New children admitted to the Rescue Center

ANGELITA She is 14 months old and weighs 18 pounds.   Her mama left her at her papa’s  house and they have not seen the mama in months.  Her papa is a moto driver but is unable to care for her.  He lives at home with his mama and she has been her primary

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Redo of the ICU..

In 2010 the main RC was damaged in the earthquake.  The children were moved to a new facility a few houses up.  It became difficult to run back and forth quickly enough with kids that were sick and dying to get to the clinic were needed equipment and medications were

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Update on Telismane and the boys

We met Telismane and her boys in the fall of 2008.  Her husband was killed in a flood that went through our area.  You can read about it here.  Through meeting her and learning her husband’s heart for her and her family they all moved down tothe village of  Cazale.

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