Bon Nouvèl – Good News
Here is a short version of the Christmas story to help you learn a few Kreyol words.
Here is a short version of the Christmas story to help you learn a few Kreyol words.
We normally have a good stock of peanut butter that we have on hand here in Haiti. This peanut butter is collected stateside and then shipped down on a semi container with other supplies we use throughout the year for RHFH. This fall we were unable to send the container
Leonardo is still with us. Fighting to live. But hanging on. He ate 2 spoonfuls of soup by mouth today. That is the first thing we have been able to get him to eat. It is a start and we will take it 🙂
Thank God for His Son – His Gift too wonderful for words. -2 Corinthians 9:15
1 Korint 13:13 13 Koulye a se twa bagay sa yo ki toujou la: se konfyans, se espwa, se renmen. Men, nan twa bagay sa yo, se renmen ki pi gran.