Pictures from the ICU :)
Leonardo is still with us. Fighting to live. But hanging on. He ate 2 spoonfuls of soup by mouth today. That is the first thing we have been able to get him to eat. It is a start and we will take it 🙂
Leonardo is still with us. Fighting to live. But hanging on. He ate 2 spoonfuls of soup by mouth today. That is the first thing we have been able to get him to eat. It is a start and we will take it 🙂
Thank God for His Son – His Gift too wonderful for words. -2 Corinthians 9:15
1 Korint 13:13 13 Koulye a se twa bagay sa yo ki toujou la: se konfyans, se espwa, se renmen. Men, nan twa bagay sa yo, se renmen ki pi gran.
In November, the clinic saw 3573 patients for the month – 718 new patients & 2855 return patients. There were 354 infants 0-12 months, 562 children 1-4 yrs, 320 children 5-14 yrs, 275 pregnant women, and 2062 patients 15 yrs+. There were 35 births – 3 were born in a