Special need for 2 TB patients

UPDATE:  So far there has been $796.25 donated.  We only need $247.50 to have this need met! The community of Cazale has donated yet another house for our use at this time.  We were in need of a place to put two ladies we have that are TB positive.  They

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New children admitted

 NAGELANDE This is Nagelande in Oct 2011.  She was admitted into our care when she was only 11 pounds. She stayed with us for 9 months of treatment.  She struggled through many sicknesses and had to be on IV fluids several times.  But she returned home with her family weighing

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Prayer request for sick kids

 We would appreciate your prayer for the kids here at RHFH.  We have several kids that are fighting bad respiratory problems this week.  We currently have 3 kids on oxygen.  They are struggling to survive today.  Some of their O2 levels were down in the 70’s last night.  We are

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Pillowcase Dresses – Such a Blessing!

We are always so humbled and thankful when we see how God is using people all over the globe to show His love to the Haitians here in Cazale.  RHFH has been blessed by receiving so many gifts and donations over the years from selfless, generous givers.  Each one is special and we’d

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