Medika Mamba Update

It’s time to give you another encouraging Medika Mamba report.  We last updated you here at the end of June.  Since then, we have had 7 children graduate from the program.  Currently, we have 12 children enrolled.  Our total number of children that have been admitted into the Medika Mamba Program is now up to 351. So

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Thank you!

We wrote a post here about our need for infant formula.  We let you know the need was met  10 days later here.  The kids wanted to say thank you today!   We are so thankful to each of you that helped out with this need.  May God continue to bless

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How can you resist a 97% off sale?

Everyone loves a sale – 50%, 75%, and sometime even 90% off!  It’s not easy to find something reduced to 97% off.  Well, we have found one and want you to be able to participate. The best part of the deal is that it is medications for the sick patients

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Update on the sisters

You can read past post about the sister here, here and here.  These 6 special girl were blessed this past month to receive gifts from a family that has been praying from them from a distance state side.  The girls were so excited to get gifts from this family.  It

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