Birthing Kits

It is always an encouragement to us here at RHFH when we realize that so many people share our heart for the precious folks in the Cazale area.  We’d like to share an example of a fun, simple way that some of our friends have helped out.  Some of our

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Mother Teresa

There is always the danger that we may just do the work for the sake of the work. This is where the respect and the love and the devotion come in – that we do it to God, to Christ, and that’s why we try to do it as beautifully

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Updates on Nerline and Fanise

  Two weeks ago, Lori shared the incredible story of Nerline.  We have good news to report about this sweet child.  She has gained two pounds and is eating well enough to have had her NG tube removed last week.  The swelling in her eyes is going down, and she

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An Update From the Garrett Family

It’s hard to believe, but it’s already been three weeks since the Garrett family arrived here at RHFH.  Click here to read an update from them on how they are settling in and adjusting to their new life in Haiti. We are currently working on putting together a RHFH newsletter.  We know

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Thank you Love A Child!

Our friends at Love A Child are always very generous with supplies that they receive.  They spread the blessings all around Haiti!  We thank them for helping thousands and thousands of Haitians, including many in the Cazale area.  This past month, they gave us a wonderful distribution of nice clothes

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New Admits to the RC

 We have had a rough few weeks with the kids in the Rescue Center.  In the past 2 1/2 weeks we have lost 9 kids.  In one day we lost three.  It has been rough.  It has been hard.  We have cried.  We have continued.   We had one day we had

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