Answer the Question, Dude! #5

I want to know what your future plans are for the clinic/rescue center?  Will you move them up to the new land?  Might there ever be an opportunity for Lori to sit on her couch in the future?  Or is it best to keep her occupied so she doesn’t fire too many

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Help for a mother in need

THANK YOU THIS NEED HAS BEEN MET!! These hands belong to a mother and two of her children.  She is HIV positive and has been following in our clinic for several years.  The kids are HIV negative.  She has other children that are older.  They can fight to live she

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Update on Jn Edward

Jn Edward is a very special little boy who has been through so much is his life already.  You can read his story here , and here.  He was near near death when he was admitted over a year ago.  His treatment for his illness took 12 months.  He is healed

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Fast (fun!) Facts

Keeping it light today, here are a few fast – and fun! – facts from RHFH.  Enjoy! FACT:  The Clinic staff enjoys it when the day wraps up quickly and everything went smoothly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FACT:  Mangoes are going out of season (so sad!) and breadfruit is coming into season. (What

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Artists for Hope

Artists for Hope is an organization that is near and dear to RHFH’s heart.  We encourage you to check out the AFH website and learn more about it.  (A link to the website can always be found on the homepage of RHFH’s website.) The founder of Artists for Hope, Roberta,

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Getting Closer….But Not There Yet!

We continue to collect funds needed to pay for shipping a container filled with 1,200 boxes packed full with supplies heading to Real Hope for Haiti this month.  You can see the last update here, where we had received enough to cover the expense of shipping 600 of the boxes.

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