Gretchen’s notes

Our mom, Gretchen, kept many notebooks of quotes saying and thoughts and she could look back on when she needed encouragement and strength.  I’m not sure where she got this so I can’t give credit to the author, but I trust that the words will speak to you. Dealing with

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New admitted to the Rescue Center

GILIANE  Giliane has been with us on and off over the years several time.  She is currently 7 1/2 years old and weighted 41 pounds when she was admitted.  In a weeks time after being on the F-75 therapeutic milk and medika mamba she has lost 13 pounds of her

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Sending Supplies to RHFH: Let’s Do This!

Diapers, medicine, clothing….Oh, my! It takes A LOT of supplies to keep things running here at RHFH. A mini snap shot: Tummies need formula and bottoms need diapers. Expectant moms need vitamins and sickly patients need medicine. Bleeding wounds need bandages and cholera victims need IV’s. And the list goes

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Students Learning Through Serving

Last week we were blessed to have a day-team come in for four days to offer their time, skills, and hearts to RHFH.  The team is from the University of Maine at Augusta and was lead by Susan Baker, Professor of Science.  The team members are all taking a course

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Staff spotlight-Fabienne

 This is Fabienne.  She has been working for about 6 years at Real Hope For Haiti.  She starting out washing clothes for the kids in the Rescue Center.  After a time she began working for those taking vacation time in the Rescue Center.  She has 4 living children and 2

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Pretty as a Picture

“The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.”  – Mulan, Disney princess “The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love.”  – Hubert Humphrey, Vice President to Lyndon B. Johnson “Childhood is not preparation for anything.  Childhood just is.  It’s up to us to protect

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