Miracles of Healing

In the past couple of months, several of the children at the Rescue Center have recovered and been able to return home to their families.  Admittedly, it is a bit sad for us to say goodbye to these little friends, but our hearts swell with joy knowing that their bodies

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New children admitted

EXIMENE She is 11 months old and weighs 11 pounds.  Her mother died when she was 4 months old and her papa has been trying to care for her.  She also has another sister that is older than her.  Her father is a farmer and grows beans, corn and yams. 

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Singing HIS Praises Again Today!

Thursday was another one of those days that reaffirmed our claim: You just never know what a day may bring here at RHFH! Around 9:00am, a small group of people showed up at the Clinic carrying a woman on a bed.  They began their walk down the paths of the

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From The Archives…

This was taken from a letter from Gretchen, our mom, written in June 1994.  They had lived in Haiti for 6 months and there was an embargo and sanctions in place.  Aristide was elected president of Haiti in 1990, but was overthrown in a military coup in 1991.  The embargo was finally

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 We ask you to help with the need for church clothing for the sisters here.  So far we have had several dresses arrive.  The girls are super excited to know that so many people still care about them!  They loved trying on all the clothes. Here are a few pictures.

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You can read previous post about Serette here, here, here, and here. Serette has been a patient of RHFH since Aug of 2011.  She stayed her at RHFH with us for several month while she was recovering and continued to follow in the clinic each month for medications.  She had

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