Fundraiser in Nashville, TN

A group from Children’s Kingdom Mission is doing a fundrasier on April 13th  in Nashville, TN.  You can follow them on their face book page here or on twitter @CK_Mission.  If you live near this event please join them in their efforts to raise funds for Real Hope For Haiti.  Check out

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Fighting to live~Miriana

   Hungry for love, She looks at you. Thristy for kindness, She begs from you. Naked for loyalty, She hopes in you. Sick and imprisoned for friendship, She wants from you. Homeless for shelter in your heart, She asks of you. Will you be that one to her? Mother Teresa

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New admits from March

DARLINE She is 4 years old and weighs 20 pounds.  This is her first time with a mild case of kwashiorkor.  She has already lost 2 pounds of “water weight” from the kwash.  She is eating well and we expect a full recovery for her.   She is currently on the medika

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Help ship needed materials to Haiti

It’s that time of year again.  We are preparing to ship another semi-trailer to Haiti soon.  These trailers are packed full of supplies for the rescue center, clinic, cholera treatment center, community development group, school sponsorship and all kind of needs that we have here in Haiti.   We will have

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Worship Wednesday: How We Treat Fellow Believers Matters…

After railing on their former life, Paul indicates that they do not need to subject themselves to indulging the flesh because they have put off the old and put on the new. Paul them immediately explains how this works with the following beautiful description of how believers ought to treat

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Two weeks ago, we had 93 kids in the rescue center.  That week we began to search for parents of recovered children and send them back home.  Four days out of the week, we had 2 staff members that traveled by tap-tap, motorcycle and foot for hours to locate family

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