New admits

 JN JUDE He is just under 3 years old and weighs 22 pounds.  His mother is an albino that follows regularly in the clinic and is on the food box program.  She was raped by a man in the village that everyone knows.  She does not feel like her voice would be

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Merry Christmas

O Come All Ye Faithful Joyful and triumphant, O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem. Come and behold Him, Born the King of Angels; O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord. O Sing, choirs of

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Searching for a last minute Christmas gift?

Are you still looking for a last minute Christmas gift?  Look no further!  We’re sure that you will find something special on our Christmas giving page. Wanting to make a donation in honor of someone?  Maybe you have a difficult-to-shop-for person on your Christmas list?  Here is a great solution

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Medika mamba updates

Our medika mamba program continues to grow here at RHFH.  We currently have 38 in patient on the program and 1 out patient.  There have been 408 patients enrolled on the program since we started in 2009.   We are very happy with the product and see a great difference in

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Solange~Renia’s mama

You can read the story of Renia here, here, here and here.  Renia was a very special patient that lost her life to cancer and few months ago.  Many of you prayed for and gave funds for Renia,  Solange and her family.  Solange returned home in November, a home that she

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New Admits

A mama was 9 month pregnant and lived 5 hours up in the mountains to get to the nearest paved road. When she got to the road she traveled in labor over bumpy road to get to the national hospital for births. They turned her away and told her to

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