Hurricane Sandy Update

The eye of the hurricane is well past us.  Haiti managed to not get hit by the center of the storm.  However, the country is experiencing a vast amount of rain and consequential flooding.  Looking at the radar map, it doesn’t seem that the rain will be over anytime soon.   Here in

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CTC construction update

You can see past updates about the building of the CTC here and here Here is Zach looking out over the site. at the beginning ….. foundations being build….. ready to do the columns and start putting the block up… the walls are starting to go up……. This is how it looks

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New admits to the Rescue Center

CHANTELE She was admitted with a 103.8 fever. diar, and kwashiorkor.   She is a little over 2 years old and weighs 18 pounds.  She was referred to us from a Pastor friend from the village of Orange (a 5 hour walk and taxi ride).   Chantel has 2 living sisters and

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It’s Here! It’s Here!

The fall shipping container has arrived!  The container came out of customs last week and began being unloaded on Friday.  Since then, there has been a lot of sorting, organizing, cleaning and clearing space for storage.  Shelves of medicine are stocked and some are absolutely full!   Do you know what

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Worship Wednesday: I Believe, Help My Unbelief…

“I believe, help my unbelief” is a plea of desperation and agony that a father makes to Jesus on behalf of his possessed son in Mark 9. Evidently the father had brought the son to the disciples, but the disciples failed to heal him. The father then petitioned Jesus to

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