New children admitted to the RC last week

SOREL This is Sorel’s second time at the Rescue Center.  He is 4 years old and weighs 21 pounds.  He age is correct as he has been following in the clinic since he was a newborn baby.  He has 4 living siblings.  BERGENALIE She is 30 months old and weighs

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THANK YOU Formula One Life for the recent donation of infant formula.  We greatly appreciate it! Before and after pictures of some of the babies from the Rescue Center BRIANA DUKENS THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

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A new addition, a new opportunity

A few months back we had 2 firefighter that visited RHFH.  Kent was one of them.  He has been working hard this week to get this opportunity set up on the website for RHFH and YOU!  THANK YOU KENT!  We appreciate you!  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to our new donation page! Your generous

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Food Boxes-in their words

My name is Olvert Dorlus.  I cannot work because I cannot see, I am blind.  I say today praise the Lord forever.  Praise Him for the food that I have been able to receive for the past 3 years.  This food helps me a lot because I do not have

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Worked for them :)

 If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one. Mother Teresa I put this quote up a few months ago with the picture below.  These two were admitted on the same week.  One with kwashiorkor and one with marasmus.  They are both doing much better. GUYNEL lowest weight

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