Update on Jn Edward & Rose-Marie

You can read past post about Jn Edward here, here and here .  This kid is amazing.  I love him so much!  He is doing wonderful!  He is still gaining weight and getting stronger.  To God be all the Glory!            lowest weight 37 pounds                                             current weight  47 pounds You can read

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Worship Wednesday: Sacrifice is Insufficient

6 “With what shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before God on high? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? 7 Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit

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Ways you can help with the upcoming container

Plans are still going forward to ship a semi container from Indiana to Haiti this spring.  There has been $1170  given towards the goal and we have remaining  $8830 to raise to reach our goal.   Packing and sorting will begin soon to get the 40 pallets ready to be loaded on the

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After a long struggle to live, Miriana went to be with Jesus yesterday afternoon.  We have a deep sorrow in our hearts that this sweet, precious little girl did not make it and survive.  But we have hope knowing that one day we will see her again.  I see her

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Planting vetiver helps with erosion control

Charles and several others are planting vetiver to protect the mountain side surrounding the area where the new CTC (cholera treatment center) will be located.  Several guys have been building rock walls in the really bad spots over the last few months. They have finished in one area, so Charles

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