Pallets from MN

Our good friend, Debbie W.,  has been collecting supplies for RHFH in MN for several years now.  Many of these supplies have been coming down in suitcases and many people hand carried items in for us.  Today there were 18 pallets of supplies that were delivered to the storage units

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Double Harvest surgical teams ROCK!

Luciana has had a goiter for longer than she can remember.  She is 45 year old and has had seven children.  She has been several places to see if her goiter could be removed, but has never been able to find anyone to do the surgery until now.  Double Harvest

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We are in the USA and…

enjoying our time together.  We had yucky flights back to Indiana.  Ameyah did not enjoy flying and does not enjoy her carseat.  But other than that the kids are doing fine.  We are resting and adjusting back to this country.  It takes days to get readjusted for me and  simple

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The grass is greener…

…on the mountainside.  With lots of rain lately, the vetiver and trees are growing quickly.  Click here to see how it looked when we started planting a month ago.  This is what it looked like today. There are approx 750 meters (2460 feet or 0.47 miles) of vetiver planted so

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Worship Wednesday: Queen Latifah isn’t the only one who can spell U.N.I.T.Y…

Ephesians 4:1-6 I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, 2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, 3 eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called

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Thank you!

World Vision blessed Love-A-Child with lots of really nice new clothes and they decided to graciously pass some of the blessing on to us.  We were so happy to distribute shirts, jackets, scarves, and sandals to all 140 staff members and 65 community group members and patients at the CTC

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