Work being done on the new land

Dad has been working the last two weeks up on the new land.  He is pushing and moving dirt.  We have a long, long way to go but we are making progress. He is currently working on a section that will be used for the new cholera hospital. pic taken

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Pillow case dresses!!!

Look at all the dresses that were unpacked this week! These beautiful…. girls…… wanted to say……. THANK YOU TO EACH OF YOU… That took the time to sew these dresses for them and got them on the container and here to Haiti They are a favorite in the RC!!!!!

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Merina-RHFH employee # 6

 How long have you been working for RHFH?  Since Nov 2010 How old are you? 24 years old How many siblings do you have?  3 brothers and 4 sisters.  They are all still alive. What kind of work do you do at RHFH?  I take care of the kids that

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Jesula back for a visit

You can read the post about Jesula here.  She was a difficult birth that we had when Lori was in the states.  Hannah and Caroline were both here to help and together, with God, this little baby and mother lived. Here she is the same day she was born 1 month

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North American Rescue generously donated 50 Raven model 90C litters for use in the cholera hospital and clinic. These are important in transporting many cholera patients to the treatment center. The patients are able to be carried safely and with ease over rural mountain paths to the cholera treatment center

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One Year of Cholera

REAL HOPE FOR HAITI – ONE YEAR CHOLERA REPORT One year has come and gone, but cholera is not going away and neither are we.  We know that many of you have kept up with the cholera situation over this past year and we appreciate that.  There have been many

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