Haitian Hymn: Chants D’Esperance #10 en Kreyol

[chirbit:http://chirb.it/38pqbJ] Tout boné mouin nan Jézu-Kris                            All my early [mornings] and in Jesus Christ Kris pou mouin (2x’s)                                      

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Cleaning the River

HAPPY SATURDAY! (Anna here)  I love that my first day here was Saturday because I got to see the community group in action right in front of RHFH and weighed all the kids.  Crazy how much kids grow in 4 months!! See these hardworking people? Aren’t they awesome! The community

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Giveaway for subscribing to the RHFH blog…

***If you subscribe to our blog, please leave a comment below and you will be entered into a drawing to win The New Shape of World Christianity by Mark Noll. If you use a blog reader, such as google reader, we hope you subscribe to our RSS feed. However, several

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Bowling with the gals…

Getting tired of my state side pics yet?  Only a week or so left 🙂  So this past weekend Jess came to visit us here in Indiana along with my brother Casey.  One morning got a knock on the door and Mary and Caroline had drove from Alabama and Tennessee

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