Worship Wednesday: Final Thoughts on Isaiah 58

By: Casey Zachary Isaiah 58 One additional way this text should impact Christians in regards to turning inward versus turning outward is how churches engage the communities in which they live. There is a heavy tilt towards an academic emphasis in preparing pastors for ministry. This transfers over to their

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New kids from the past few weeks

by:Licia Auguslene 19 pounds 24 months- 1st time with kwashiorkor-currently on the medika mamba program Ginel 5 years old 24 pounds-2nd time with kwashiorkor-currently on the medika mamba program Jn Simon 12 months old 9 pounds.  His mama is very sick and malnourished and was trying to breastfeed him as well. 

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Micah 6:6-8…in Kreyol

[chirbit:http://chirb.it/nwwbEm] Micah 6:6-8 in English 6¶ Lè sa a, pèp la di: Kisa m’a pote ofri bay Seyè a, Bondye ki nan syèl la, lè m’a vin adore l’? Eske m’a pote pou li jenn ti towo bèf ki fèk gen ennan pou yo ka boule pou li? 7Eske Seyè

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Levizier goes home

by: Licia These two lovely ladies brought Levizier to the clinic at the beginning of 2010.  He was very small.  He weighted under 5 pounds.  We still had all the kids living under a shelter as we were preparing a new facility for them.  We called Dixie at GLA and

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Community Development

by:Licia G.V.A.D.K is still working each week in the community here in Cazale.  We have been replanting trees from sacks to buckets for the past month. drilling holes in the bottom of buckets for drainage getting compost and dirt ready to mix The group was able to transplant 120 trees this

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