Missions Monday: David Livingstone

David Livingstone lived from 1813-1873 and was a missionary/ explorer to Africa. Although he dropped out of school at age 10, Livingstone had an intense spiritual experience that convinced him he was destined to be a medical missionary in Africa. After finishing degrees in medicine and theology, Livingstone set sail

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cholera stats graph

by: Lori We would like to thank HaitiServe, North Christian Church, and all of the many wonderful donors that have made it possible for us to treat 659 people so far with cholera.  Thank you to the organizations and individuals who have donated tens of thousands of dollars worth of

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Saturday Morning Snack

. Scientists are saying they believe that a problem (rubble from the earthquake) can be used as a solution, by recycling the concrete. **Interesting Note: Concrete from the rubble was taken to a lab and studies show the average Haitian concrete that was used had an average compressive strength of

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Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Papa Zach!   Can you believe we still have one more family member with a Jan birthday! To dad who loves his wife more each day and misses her greatly…. To dad who loves his kids and does everything he can to make us happy… To dad who

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Cholera Update

By:Licia We wanted to let you know that the matching grant of $2500 was met!  We are so excited about this and the funds that will be used to help save as many lives as we can from cholera. This cooler is filled up several times a day with homemade

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