Worship Wednesday: Balaam’s Bourik…

By: Casey Zachary Numbers 22-24 Numbers is not the most popular member of the Pentateuch. Many read-through-the-Bible journeys have been abandoned somewhere in the book of Numbers. However, one of the more fascinating portions of Scripture is found here. A talking Donkey! I’m going to offer some cursory comments, framing

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Food box update

We so appreciate those that have donated so far.  We are halfway there so we still need $1650.  Please let me know if you are interested or have questions.  licia@realhopeforhaiti.org (see post below for more details on the food box program)

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RHFH worker-Benita in her own words

My name is Benita.  I live in Cazale and this is where my family is from.  I grew up here.  I have a daughter that is 5 years old.  When I was a small girl I grew up with my brothers and sisters.  We never really had a lot of

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High Fives all around…

1. We are grateful for your active readership. Thank you for many of you who migrated from Licia’s former blog to this current one. 2. God uses your words of encouragement to strengthen our hearts as we labor for Him in the work here. Write a note of encouragement to

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