New tent….new tent

We had 2 medical student volunteer’s here from Haiti Serve this past week. We also had a friend of Angela’s (the boy’s teacher) that is an EMT visiting.  Out tent was in bad shape.  Haiti Serve is a great group of people that love to come along side others and just help out

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Saturday Morning Snack…

Arcade Fire coming to Haiti. One negative way NGO’s can impact local communities. Complex problems often have complex solutions. I’m not sure it is as simple as this, but strengthening Haiti’s economy needs to look more and more like this. No more speculation. Former President Aristide is back from his

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New graduating class

RHFH has been having literacy classes for several years now.  Classes last for months.  We accept anyone that wants to attend and cannot read or write. Here is a testimony of one of the students: I want to tell God thank you because He has done a great work in my life. 

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