A prayer from the Betor boys

The boys were asked by their teacher today to write a prayer for the anniversary of the earthquake here in Haiti.  Can you tell we live above a medical clinic (in Haiti)? Please make the Haitian people stop cutting each others arms off and please make Jesus make the Haitians

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Then, now, and forever……

On this first year anniversary of the earthquake, we send our thoughts and prayers out to all of the families of the victims, the injured, the suffering, the destitute, the homeless, the hungry, the jobless, the lost, the discouraged, and those still suffering the pains of what happened that day –

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Worship Wednesday: Change the Focus to Kenosis…

By: Casey Zachary In the same vein as last week’s post on turning our heart outward, I would like to continue one aspect of that discussion, namely, service to others. Kenosis is the transliteration of the Greek word κένωσις, which means “emptying.” Kenosis is the concept of the ‘self-emptying’ of one’s own will in

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Have a blessed Tuesday

Empty pockets never held anyone back.  Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that.  ~Norman Vincent Peale You can’t get rid of poverty by giving people money.  ~P.J. O’Rourke It would be nice if the poor were to get even half of the money that is spent in studying

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Food Box program

Our food box program is still going strong here at RHFH.  We are currently helping around 130 families in the Cazale area. We want to thank you allfor your continued support with this on going project.   Without you and your donations many of these families would not be able to recieve food

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Missions Monday: David Livingstone

David Livingstone lived from 1813-1873 and was a missionary/ explorer to Africa. Although he dropped out of school at age 10, Livingstone had an intense spiritual experience that convinced him he was destined to be a medical missionary in Africa. After finishing degrees in medicine and theology, Livingstone set sail

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