Jeremi ch3 v14 (Jeremiah 3:14)

Jeremi ch3 v14 Nou menm ki vire do ban mwen, tounen vin jwenn mwen. Se mwen menm Seyè a ki di sa. Paske, se mwen menm ki mèt nou. Mwen pral pran yon moun nan chak lavil nou yo, de moun nan chak branch fanmi, m’ap mennen nou tounen sou

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What happens when someone dies in our village

I wanted to talk to you today about what happens when someone dies in our village. First the family must decide if the body will go to a morgue. If they decide to go the morgue someone calls them to come get the body. After the body is taken someone

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Words From Gretchen Feb 1994

Hello Girls, It has been blowing dust and dirt around like crazy here today. I finally got the office fixed up as a place where I can sit and write letters. It is all organized nicely and dad and I can both sit out here and work at the same

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