Villagers View~Gran Chemen

The area of Gran Chemen is inside of the village of Cazale. How do people make a living or work? The area has many people that buy items in bulk and resell them for a profit. There is a bakery that makes bread. The bread is then sold throughout the

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Thankful Sigh of Relief

L.J. is a 3 year old girl who came to clinic last week. She had edema of her legs, her abdomen was swollen, likely with fluid, she had a fever and abdominal pain. She did not feel well and she was not happy. The edema was concerning. So she had

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Words from Gretchen~Dec 1994

I had clinic this morning and could write a lot about all the people we saw- over 50 today. We had to turn away some as we ran out of time. There are people that come and look in the window to see what we are doing. The roosters and

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Ezayi ch1 v19 (Isaiah 1:19)

Ezayi ch1 v19Si nou dakò pou nou fè sa mwen di nou fè, n’a manje bèl rekòt peyi a va bay. Isaiah 1:19 If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land;

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