Konbit-working together

The word konbit, which means “work together,” is an important part of Haitian culture. It’s more than just working together on farms—it’s a way for people to come together as a community. Farmers, gardeners, and others join forces to help each other with planting, harvesting or other community activities. This

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New Admits to the Rescue Center

Guernal found himself in a frightening situation when gangs started attacking the local police station in his town. Amidst the chaos, he was shot in the leg while his family was trying to escape. His father, scooped him up and rushed to our clinic for help. However, in the frantic

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The Heartbeat of Hope: Your Help Sustains the Emergency Care Fund

Every day at our clinic in Haiti, we witness the incredible strength and resilience of our community. We encounter significant challenges, but the support from compassionate people like you truly makes a difference. The need for immediate and intensive medical care is constant, and in these particularly difficult times marked

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