Words from Gretchen June 1995

Soon we’ll be back in Indiana for a month from June 16 to July 18th. We are very excited about seeing and sharing with family and friends. In some ways the last year and a half has went very fast, but it seems longer since we have seen a lot

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Micah 7:7

But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.

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Needs for July 2021

To shop and send through Amazon:Haiti wishlist – https://a.co/cqmcUfLMN warehouse wishlist – https://a.co/hLM46PN Printable PDF version:  2021-07 Needs List

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New admits

He was brought to the clinic by his mother. He is 17 month old and weighs 13 pounds. His dad died when he was a few months old. Since that time he has been living with his mom and grandparents. They live in a 2 room home made of cinder

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Photos in Cazale-Churches

There are several different churches here in Cazale. We asked the staff to take some pictures of their churches to share with you. Many of the churches in our area hold school within the church during the school week.

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Kreyol song: “Yon Vi Pou Jezi Bay Lapè”

32 Melodies Joyeuses | 32 MJC / Page 2304 La voix du reveil – VRC / Page 299 1Yon vi pou Jezi bay lapèKou yon rivyè ki pa rete;Difikilte yo konn viniMen Jezi la, e sa sifi. KèEde m sèvi Ou plis chak jou,Pou m rete toujou avèk Ou;M renmen

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