Jonel-Throwback Thursday

Jonel first came to RHFH in Oct of 2016. He was very sick and needed to be admitted for inpatient care. He was 15 years old and weighed 38 pounds at that time. He was enrolled in our outpatient mamba program but instead of gaining weight, he was losing weight

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All of us at Real Hope for Haiti work tirelessly, yet even with maximum effort, we cannot accomplish every task. So we want to give credit where credit is due. Our Haitian staff are amazing and dedicated and one of the most integral parts of our success. Centre Sante de

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Villager’s View-Lamy

My name is Maricia. I am the mother of Danicia who is in the medika mamba program at RHFH. I was born and raised in the village of Lamy and still live there now. There is not much to do in Lamy. There are 2 schools, one is a government

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Guest Post – Volunteer Holly

So Many. There are so many stories in life. We all have a story, every one of us. Our story makes us into the person we are. Have you listened to the stories of others? Have you told your story? When I am here in Haiti………..there are many stories. Some

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