“But take heart…”

In John 16, Jesus is preparing his disciples for some rough times ahead. He is about to be betrayed by one of their own, endure the humiliation of the cross, and the agony of an unjust death. He challenges them with, “But take heart.” Why are they to “take heart?”

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There Is Good Reason For Us To Come And Adore Him…

Advent season sneaks up on you here in Haiti. Before you know it, you are sweating, putting up Christmas decorations in shorts and a tshirt and 90 degree weather. Recently, the Advent Scripture reading for the day had our family in Isaiah 52 and 53 and the account of the

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Love them for as long as it takes…

I read a book by Anne Lamott last week that left we with a couple thoughts I can’t shake that I thought might be worth sticking in your craw as well before interacting with a lot of family this Thanksgiving and Christmas season. The first quote is: “Expectations are resentments

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