Poem: Grief on a Spindle

Currently, I’m reading through a helpful book called “Serving Well” by Jonathan and Elizabeth Trotter. They serve as missionaries to Cambodia. In addition to their book, they created another useful resource for those serving Christ cross-culturally with their website A Life Overseas. Elizabeth Trotter penned the following poem (found in

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Haitian Proverb

“Kozman mande chez.” Conversation begs a chair.  Meaning: A good conversation requires sitting down

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Sacrifice Off the Mission Field

“Some are called to go. Some are called to let go.” -Teresa Schantz Williams Much is made of the sacrifices missionaries make in fulfilling the Great Commission. Not enough is made of the sacrifices family and friends make back home to allow missionaries to follow where God leads. If you

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July Volunteers

Kristin joined us for a week to help see patients in clinic and care for the children and babies in the rescue center. We are thankful for her! Every time Kristin comes, she brings lessons for our clinic staff. Those education times are so great for both for knowledge growth

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Make Sure Your Fruit is From Above

We all want to make an impact, want our work to matter, want to honor the Lord in all we say and do. But our impact isn’t always clear or rewarding. The work is layered and taxing. Often along the way our short-sightedness and frustration pull us off towards despondency

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