New Admits

Anold and Desline are 33-month-old twins that live with their mother and father along with three other siblings in a two-room house made of rocks, clay and tin. They don’t have a bathroom or an outhouse. The family’s only source of water is a river they must walk 15 minutes

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New Admits

Michelene Michelene is five years old and came into the clinic with her dad. She lives with her dad and two other siblings. Her dad is a carpenter. Her mother is not engaged in her life. She was referred to us from Children’s Health Ministries. Her dad said she was

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Real Hope Academy Showcase

Our students have completed another incredible school year and we wanted to share some of their memories and thoughts with you . 3 words to describe my school year : Henley– extraordinary, fun, challenging Trey– challenging, fun, interesting Grace– magnificent, fun, great Isaiah– fun, great, awesome Ameyah– fun, a little

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New Admits

Darwens Darwens is 18 months old. He came into clinic with his grandmother. His mother dropped him off at his father’s house this past December, and his grandmother is helping take care of him. She says he was small then, and has continued to lose weight. He had a cough

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