Bible Study Update

There were 3 Bible study classes that graduated this week.  They were all 6 weeks long.  One class was “Good News About Jesus” and there were 2 classes on “God Loves You So Much.” Here is some feedback from those that participated: This is what I think about the group.

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THANK YOU to our June Volunteers!

Twenty-days~ two teams~ a baker’s dozens of talented folks~ a ton of work ~ a thousand blessings~ Thanks to our volunteers who came in June!                              

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Can you help our foster children attend school this year?

all of the kids have sponsors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of these children below are living with foster families and have been apart of the RHFH family for years.  We are excited that they will have a chance to attend school this year. Please read a little about them and see at the

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Thoughts from Gretchen

Dear God, I ask… …that I may have the COURAGE to do what is hard; courage to hold off the quitter in me; courage to stand by my convictions. …that I may have that gift of WISDOM, knowing the true value of material things.  May I never choose a creature,

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