Answer the Question, Dude! #4

In the episode of Answer the Question, Dude! we were asked several questions from four different people.  Ready or not, here we go……….. What would you say is the biggest challenge to living and doing work in Haiti?  LORI:  The biggest challenges for me are to not get discouraged when

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Kanpe, Couche, Woule! ~ Stop, Drop, Roll!

The fire safety education team arrived on Sunday, the 11th, and began visiting local schools the next morning.  By the end of the week, they had visited more than a dozen schools in the Cazale area.  With the help of their translator Gilbert, (a RHFH employee) they were able to

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Surgery team update

We told you about a surgery team from the LEAP Foundation that came to operate in Port Nov 1-4 and wanted to give you an update.  There were seven patients that went and had consultations done by the surgeons.  There were three that actually got surgery. Anack was the most

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CTC Construction Update

Things are moving right along at the construction site of the future Cholera treatment facility.  Progress is looking like it’s staying on track for the construction to be completed sometime in December.    A construction site in the mountains of Haiti looks a little different than one you might see in

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New admits to the RC

ASNEL He is 15 months old and weights 19 pounds 8 ounces.  He was admitted due to having 2 large abcesses on his bottom.  He received shots for fever from someone near their house and then developed the abcesses.  He was in a lot of pain and his temp was

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“Answer the Question, Dude!” Returns

Real Hope for Haiti is very grateful for all of our friends and supporters that faithfully read this blog and share it with others. In some ways, we very much feel as though we share life with you in that we all have a passion for God and the Haitian

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