New admits to the RC

JN LUTHERS He is almost 4 years old.  He weighs 26 pounds and this is his second time with kwashiorkor.  He has 5 living siblings at home and 2 that have died from kwashiorkor.  He is currently on the medika mamba program. This is his mom and 2 of his

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Worship Wednesday: Whatever You Do, Don’t Swallow a Camel…

Jesus’ blood pressure seems to go up in Matthew 23. He is perturbed at the Scribes and Pharisees. The chapter contains a litany of “Woe to you…hypocrites!” Before ripping into them, he prefaces it by saying, “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted” in

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The sisters~4 becomes 6

 Last month I wrote a post about 4 sisters here.  Many of you wrote and many of you gave towards this need.  I was very happy about this.  So were they :).   They are doing wonderful!!!!  In the last week of December the oldest sister went to see about the

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Worship Wednesday: Christ Is A Safe Place

“In Christ alone my hope is found, He is my light, my strength, my song; this Cornerstone, this solid Ground, firm through the fiercest drought and storm” I treasure that hymn and often hum it throughout the day. Sometimes I hum it to worship the Lord. Other times I hum

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End of the year update for the Rescue Center

Who else could I start the end of the year RC post with except Darlens. 🙂  Darlens is doing well.  One of the nannies is working with him weekly to try and get him to stand and walk.  He can get up and down off of a chair or his

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Serette and her mama

In late November I wrote this post about Serette and her family.  One of the items requested was to help the family start a new small business.  Serette’s mama was so thankful once again to those of you that cared for her and her family.  It amazes her to see the love of

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