
Can I tell you a story this morning?  Yesterday dad and I were trying to make it up to the cholera house.  It was raining and very muddy . We got stuck, really bad stuck.  It starting pouring.  Someone behind us started yelling -a sick person, a sick person, make a

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Quick update

I wish I had a minute to write more but don’t today.  The cholera house had 90 patients in it this AM.  90, yes, this non-nurse Licia is a little freaked out today, but we are not telling Lori 🙂  as she is dealing with so much already.  I worked

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Kay Kolera

We do a bed count each evening at the cholera house.  This week we had the highest 87 patients sleeping at the house.  59 of those were on IV’s and 28 were drinking ORS.  Each of these patients has a caregiver that is sleeping in a chair by them.  Now there

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Catching up…

Charlie is scheduled to have surgery tomorrow to have a rod inserted into his leg.  Lori came back to Cazale for one night to get some good sleep and  to regroup.  Sleeping on a piece of cardboard under a bed is not easy.  Lori left this afternoon with a very

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Please pray for Charlie…

Today was another tough day here in Haiti. Lori’s husband Charlie was in an accident in the nearby town of Cabaret. He was riding a motorcycle when a car without light slammed on their brakes and hit them. The motorcycle driver broke his foot. Zach, Enoch and Lori all went

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Two thirds of our bodies weight and nine tenths of its volume is water. That is why water essential for life. People can survive for up to two months without food, but die within three days without water A person needs about 5 litres of water each day for cooking

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