Pictures from the USN (Nutritional Stabilization Unit)

The past few months, we’ve been focused on caring for children suffering from severe malnutrition. Over the years, we’ve seen a significant decrease in the number of children admitted with kwashiorkor—a life-threatening form of malnutrition caused by prolonged protein deficiency. This condition leads to swelling (edema), skin problems, stunted growth,

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What are PNS and PTA programs?

Fighting Malnutrition in Cazale: A Lifesaving Journey In the past, many children suffering from severe malnutrition visited the clinic in Cazale. Tragically, despite efforts to treat them, some did not survive. This heartbreaking reality prompted Real Hope for Haiti (RHFH) to take action. Determined to make a difference, RHFH sent

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Staff Spotlight-Johanne

My name is Johanne, and I’ve been working at Real Hope for Haiti since December 2022. I’m married and have three wonderful daughters. My parents and siblings are all still alive, and I’m grateful for the family God has blessed me with. I live in a five-room cinder block home

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